The Point: RCTC staff organize spring cleaning clothing drive to help UCR students for next career move

Finals. Graduation. Job Interviews. As a student, college life can be overwhelming. Looking for a job in the real world can be even more overwhelming and frightening.  But dressing for the job you want doesn’t have to be. RCTC recently partnered with the University of California, Riverside (UCR) to donate clothing for their  R’Professional Career Closet.

The R’Professional Career Closet helps UCR students prepare for their future careers by providing snazzy business dress clothes for interviews, career fairs, and networking events. Students needing business clothing can peruse the closet for the perfect blouse, dress pants, jacket, or blazer at no cost! Students will need to check out their clothes with the student ID and are off to the next step in their careers. The program’s mission is “…to connect, inspire, and empower all UC Riverside students to become the most career-ready talent in the global workplace.”

RCTC staff helped support the next generation of professionals in Riverside County by opening their closets and pulling gently used professional attire for donation to the program.

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In addition to decluttering your closet, recycling clothes helps promote environmental sustainability by extending the life of clothing and reducing textile waste. To learn more about UCR’s R’Professional Career Closet, please visit UCR’s Career Center website.