RCTC supports transit operators throughout Riverside County to provide many alternatives to driving. 


RCTC supports public bus operators throughout Riverside County to provide many alternatives to driving.  Seven bus operators serve Riverside County with services including local fixed-routes, express routes, community circulators and microtransit, travel training, and paratransit services.

Western Riverside County bus service is provided primarily by the regional operator, Riverside Transit Agency (RTA). There are also four municipal operators in western Riverside County: cities of Banning, Beaumont, and Corona which provide fixed-route and paratransit services and the city of Riverside which provides paratransit services only.

Coachella Valley bus service is provided by SunLine Transit Agency.

Palo Verde Valley bus service is provided by RidePV (operated by Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency).

To learn more, please visit any of the operator websites for more information:

City of Banning
City of Beaumont
City of Corona
City of Riverside
Riverside Transit Agency
Sunline Transit Agency
RidePV (operated by Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency)

RCTC is responsible by statute (PUC 130303) for developing and approving a Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for Riverside County. The SRTP is intended to serve three purposes:

  • Identify the transit services and capital improvements required to meet the transit needs of Riverside County over a three-year period and the proposed sources of funding to carry out the plan
  • Serve as a management tool for the operators to guide their activities over the next year
  • Provide justification for operating and capital assistance for grant applications to be submitted to state and federal funding agencies

Each of the transit operators prepares an SRTP for their respective agency and submits it to RCTC for approval of operating and capital funding.


RCTC has long demonstrated a strong commitment to assist the mobility of those with special transit needs. Through the Specialized Transit Program, RCTC has provided millions of dollars to public and non-profit transit operators for the provision of specialized transit services to improve mobility and ensure independence of seniors, low-income and individuals with disabilities.  It is through this program that:

  • Someone who is disabled can go to work on his or her own;
  • Someone who is aged can shop at the neighborhood grocery;
  • Someone who is low on money can get to the doctor;
  • And more…

Specialized Transit providers supplement service that is provided by fixed-route and paratransit.

For the current listing of specialized transit service providers and their service areas, click the button below:


Riverside County Transit Report

The Countywide Transit Report presents a high-level picture of the public transit network in Riverside County and the relative efficiency and costs of services. Riverside County has an extensive network comprised of commuter rail, fixed-route and demand response bus, specialized transportation services, and a vanpool services. These services include nine public transit service providers and 18 community-based service operators

Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan

The Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (“Coordinated Plan”) serves to document mobility needs and gaps of seniors, persons with disabilities, persons of low income, veterans and tribal members living and traveling within Riverside County (County). Through goals to enhance mobility, strategies and potential projects, this Coordinated Plan provides direction to Riverside County stakeholders that include RCTC, the County’s public transit providers and human service agencies, as well as sovereign Tribes, municipalities and the County.



The Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee (CSTAC) is a 15-member advisory committee and is tasked with providing input to RCTC in the following areas:

  • Participate in transit needs hearing(s);
  • Review proposed operating and capital expenditures of seven public transit operators, including RCTC’s Commuter Rail Program;
  • Advise RCTC on any other major transit issues, including coordination of specialized transportation services, provide feedback during the Public Transit and Human Services
    Coordinated Plan; and
  • Serve as a liaison between the public and RCTC.

RCTC is currently seeking qualified applicants for the CSTAC. Submit your application via postal mail, email, or online form by March 27, 2024. To learn more or apply online, please click the button below.



As part of Senate Bill 125, ridership information is made available to the public that includes information for all transit operators by service mode in Riverside County.