State Awards Funding for 71/91 Interchange Construction

The Point: New jobs coming, thanks to public support for project Construction…

Riverside County Projects Clear Hurdle for Competitive Grant Funding

The Point: State to vote on funding proposal for 71/91 Interchange next month…

RCTC Seeks Community Support for 71/91 Interchange Funding

The Point: Support will strengthen application for state funding to upgrade…

Photo of 15 Express Lanes

Conveyor Belt System Improves Safety, Efficiency during 15 Express Lanes Construction

The Point: Overhead transport of concrete reduces thousands of truck trips…

RCTC Seeks Federal Funding for 71/91 Interchange Improvements

The Point: Public may register support for rebuilding this interchange   The…

Work to Start on Three Additional Soundwalls along Interstate 15

The Point: Watch for construction activity of three new walls As part of RCTC’s…

Reduced Speed Limits, More Freeway Service Patrol Coming to 15 Express Lanes Construction Area

Reduced Speed Limits, More Freeway Service Patrol Coming to 15 Express Lanes Construction Area

The Point: Drive Safely – Construction Workers’ Lives Depend on it! With…

Metrolink to the Museum: Corona Children Make Memories

The Point: RCTC provides field trip support for youth camp Corona Recreation…

In Case You Missed It: RCTC explains upcoming I-15 Express Lanes construction

The Point: Open houses offered opportunities for public to meet project team,…

Soundwall Construction Under Way for I-15 Express Lanes Project

The Point: Six walls to be built to reduce noise along Interstate 15…