0424 Measure A Projects Carousel 7191 Work

Construction Safety Week Celebrates a Decade of Promoting Safer Work Environments

The Point: Safety event increases awareness for safer work habits and incident…

0324 Point 7191 YearInReview Banner

A Year in Review: 71/91 Interchange Project

The Point: A look back at a year of tremendous progress on transformative…

71/91 Interchange Improvement Project in Corona Moves Closer to Start Line

The Point: RCTC awards construction management contract Improving the heavily…

State Awards Funding for 71/91 Interchange Construction

The Point: New jobs coming, thanks to public support for project Construction…

Riverside County Projects Clear Hurdle for Competitive Grant Funding

The Point: State to vote on funding proposal for 71/91 Interchange next month…

RCTC Seeks Community Support for 71/91 Interchange Funding

The Point: Support will strengthen application for state funding to upgrade…

Riverside and Orange County leaders work together to approve set of Route 91 improvements

The Point:  Coordination will reduce costs, time and construction effects on 91…

RCTC Seeks Federal Funding for 71/91 Interchange Improvements

The Point: Public may register support for rebuilding this interchange   The…