The Point: RCTC emphasizes rail safety in communities throughout Riverside County

September is Rail Safety Month. Every year, numerous tragic railway related incidents occur throughout southern California including Riverside County. The sad truth is that most if not all these incidents are preventable by simply following basic safety guidelines. As we observe Rail Safety Month in September, RCTC continues to educate students and their families about rail safety by raising awareness about the dangers of railroad tracks and how we can all play a part in preventing these incidents.

With frequent freight and passenger trains traveling through Riverside County, rail safety is a priority for the various communities in our region. Whether on foot or in a vehicle, being on or near railroad tracks in areas other than designated rail crossings is not only illegal but also incredibly dangerous.

General Rail Safety Tips

  1. Remember that trains approach faster and stop slower than they appear! Never overestimate how safe you are.
  2. Always look both ways before crossing tracks. Always stay alert and eliminate distractions.
  3. Always cross at designated crossings. Pay attention to and obey all warning signs and signals.
  4. Never walk on tracks. It is illegal and highly dangerous.
  5. Trains are big! They overhang tracks. Always stay at least 15 feet from the tracks.
  6. Never stop your vehicle on the tracks. If you stall or get stuck, get all passengers out and then get help.
  7. Trains always have the right-of-way, so get out of the way! Don’t speed to beat the train, just wait it out.

RCTC aims to reduce rail-related incidents by attending in-person events, providing rail safety presentations at schools and community centers, and through digital and social media campaigns. Join us in our effort to save lives by sharing the rail safety message with friends, family, and colleagues. Rail safety is a shared responsibility, and by following general safety tips, we can all help prevent incidents and protect our neighbors.

Let’s commit to keeping our communities safe together. Your promise to help each other stay alert, obey signals, and spread awareness makes all the difference. To view additional rail safety information, schedule a rail safety presentation, or take the rail safety pledge, please visit