The Point: New program invites residents to try Metrolink with free train tickets

Have you ever wanted to try Metrolink – you can try it now for free! Thanks to a grant from Caltrans’ Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP), for a limited time, free Metrolink tickets are available to Riverside and San Bernardino County residents through the newly launched “Experience Metrolink” program. Experience Metrolink is designed to introduce more people to Metrolink service. Experience Metrolink is part of RCTC and the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority’s IE Commuter, which helps promote rideshare options among Inland Empire residents commuting to work.

“Whether you are commuting to work or exploring southern California, Metrolink provides a relaxing way to travel,” said Karen Spiegel, Chair of the Riverside County Transportation Commission and a member of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. “With Experience Metrolink, more residents can discover the convenience of passenger rail and experience firsthand how the service can fit into their daily routines.”

Commuters using Metrolink for work may also qualify for additional incentives through IE Commuter.

How to Request Your Free Tickets

  1. Create or log into your IE Commuter account. (NOTE: if you already have an existing Metrolink App account, be sure to use or update your IE Commuter email to match the email used for your Metrolink account)
  2. Request your free tickets. They will appear in your Metrolink App Ticket Wallet within three business days.
  3. Download the Metrolink App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and create a Metrolink account using the same email as your IE Commuter account.

Don’t miss this opportunity to ride the train for free! Learn more and sign up at or call 1.866.RIDESHARE (866.743.3742).