Santa Ana River Trail
Status: Pre-Construction
Location: Western Riverside County
Type of Project: Trails
Location: Western Riverside County
Construction: Phase 4 (between West Rincon Street and Butterfield Drive, east of Corona Municipal Airport) anticipated from 2021 to 2023. Other phases have not been scheduled for construction
Investment: Estimated $35 million for Phases 1-4, including $3 million for Phase 4
Project Status: Engineering and environmental studies are under way.
RCTC, in coordination with the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District (Riverside County Parks) and other project partners, is proposing the construction of a 12.8-mile section of the Santa Ana River Trail (SART). When completed, this section will provide a direct trail connection through Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties.
The proposed 12.8-mile section in Prado Basin would promote pedestrian, equestrian, and cycling trail use with nature-viewing opportunities and provide a fully connected active transportation option for southern California. Work is planned to be completed in five phases.