Status: Pre-Construction
Location: Western Riverside County
Type of Project: Express Lanes
Location: Interstate 15 between El Cerrito Road in Corona and State Route 74 (Central Avenue) in Lake Elsinore
Construction: Progressive Design-Build construction method that could begin in 2027
Investment: $550-650 million (estimate for pre-construction, design, construction)
The Riverside County Transportation Commission, in partnership with the California Department of Transportation, has conducted preliminary engineering and environmental studies to develop the Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Assessment (EIR/EA) for the proposed Interstate 15 Express Lanes Project Southern Extension.
The proposed project would improve and manage traffic operations, congestion, and travel times along the corridor by extending the I-15 Express Lanes an additional 15.8 miles from El Cerrito Road in Corona, through Temescal Valley, to State Route 74 (Central Avenue) in Lake Elsinore. The project would add two tolled express lanes in both directions within the I-15 median to accommodate increasing traffic volumes in southwestern Riverside County. The project would also add southbound I-15 auxiliary lanes between the Nichols Road entrance ramp and the Main Street exit ramp in Lake Elsinore.
Once built, the project would improve traffic operations and travel times, expand travel choice through carpooling and mass transit, increase travel time reliability, manage long-term traffic congestion, provide a cost-effective mobility solution, and expand and maintain compatibility with the regional Express Lanes network.
Other project features include widening up to 15 bridges, creating multiple express lane entrance and exit points, as well as building noise barriers, retaining walls, drainage systems, and electronic toll collection equipment and signs.
RCTC released the Draft Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Assessment (EIR/EA) for public review and comment on October 9, 2024. The preliminary engineering and environmental process began in May 2019 and is anticipated to conclude in 2025.
Pending project approval, RCTC expects to use a progressive design-build method to expedite the delivery of the project. Construction could begin in 2027, depending on funding availability. The total project cost is estimated to be $550-650 million. RCTC is exploring funding options for construction that may include a combination of federal, state, local, and toll sources.
- First Public Notice – Announcement of Public Hearing for Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
- Second Public Notice – Announcement Public Hearing for Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
- Primer Aviso Público – Anuncio de Audiencia Pública para el Proyecto de Informe de Impacto Ambiental/Evaluación Ambiental
- Segundo Aviso Público – Anuncio de Audiencia Pública para el Proyecto de Informe de Impacto Ambiental/Evaluación Ambiental
The public review and comment period on the Draft Environmental Document closed on November 26, 2024.
The technical studies listed below were used in preparation of this Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment.
- Aerially Deposited Lead Analysis
- Air Quality Assessment Report
- Community Impact Assessment
- District Preliminary Geologic Study
- Errata for Value Engineering Revisions
- Phase I Initial Site Assessment
- Jurisdictional Delineation
- Limited Asbestos and Lead Chip Assessment
- Location Hydraulic Study
- Natural Environment Study
- Noise Abatement Decision Report
- Noise Study Report
- Paleontological Identification Report and Paleontological Evaluation Report
- Preliminary Drainage Report
- Project Report
- Traffic Operations Analysis Report
- Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Memorandum
- Visual Impact Assessment
- Water Quality Assessment Report
- Rapid Assessment of Stream Crossings
- Historic Property Survey Report (available upon request), includes:
- Historical Resources Evaluation Report
- Archaeological Survey Report
- Finding of Effect
- 2007: Caltrans approves 45-mile study of I-15 corridor, Route 60 to Murrieta
- 2008: RCTC and Caltrans begin planning studies
- 2009: RCTC receives tolling authority on I-15 from San Bernardino County Line to San Diego County Line
- 2014: RCTC and Caltrans begin studies on I-15 from Route 60 to Cajalco Road
- 2016: RCTC and Caltrans approve environmental document for I-15 Express Lanes
- 2018: RCTC secures funding for I-15 Express Lanes Project Southern Extension (ELPSE) preliminary engineering and environmental studies
- 2018: Construction begins for I-15 Express Lanes Project
- 2019: Preliminary engineering and environmental studies begin for I-15 ELPSE to support Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
- October 21- November 22, 2019: 30-day public scoping period
- November 12-14, 2019: Public scoping meetings, Temescal Valley, Corona, Lake Elsinore
- 2024: RCTC releases Draft Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Assessment (EIR/EA) for public review and comment, and hosts three open house public hearings
For questions/comments about this project, please respond below.
The environmental phase of work began in 2019, with an anticipated completion date of 2025, due to the complexity of the project corridor, which crosses multiple jurisdictions, widens up to 15 bridges, and may affect numerous waterways.
Pending project approval, RCTC expects to use a design-build approach to expedite the delivery of the project. Construction could begin as early as 2027, if RCTC is able to secure funding. The total project cost is estimated to be $550-650 million. RCTC is exploring funding options for construction that may include a combination of federal, state, local, and toll sources.
- 2007: Caltrans approves 45-mile study of I-15 corridor, Route 60 to Murrieta
- 2008: RCTC and Caltrans begin planning studies
- 2009: RCTC receives tolling authority on I-15 from San Bernardino County Line to San Diego County Line
- 2014: RCTC and Caltrans begin studies on I-15 from Route 60 to Cajalco Road
- 2016: RCTC and Caltrans approve environmental document for I-15 Express Lanes
- 2018: RCTC secures funding for I-15 Express Lanes Project Southern Extension (ELPSE) preliminary engineering and environmental studies
- 2018: Construction begins for I-15 Express Lanes Project
- 2019: Preliminary engineering and environmental studies begin for I-15 ELPSE to support Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
- October 21- November 22, 2019: 30-day public scoping period
- November 12-14, 2019: Public scoping meetings, Temescal Valley, Corona, Lake Elsinore
Scoping Summary
I-15 ELPSE Scoping Summary Document – Sections 1-5 – Main Body
I-15 ELPSE Scoping Summary Document – Section 6 – Public Comments
Environmental Documents
Public Scoping Meetings
The next opportunity for public comment will be when the Draft Environmental Document is available for review.
Videos from Scoping Meeting
For questions/comments about this project, please respond below.
The I-15 Express Lanes Project Southern Extension Progressive Design-Build RFQ has been issued and is due on April 8, 2025.
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