Coachella Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Rail Corridor Service Project

0922 CVR Train 3 Points Clean

Status: Long Term

Location: Coachella Valley

Type of Project: Rail Corridor

Location: Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside, with proposed future connection to Amtrak’s Tucson-Phoenix-Los Angeles corridor

Type of Project: Passenger Rail

Investment: Tier 1/Program EIS/EIR approximately $7 million. Have secured $23 million in funding toward $60 million Tier 2 EIS/EIR cost. Future design and construction costs to be determined.


The Riverside County Transportation Commission certified the Final Tier 1/Program-Level Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report in July 2022 for proposed daily intercity passenger rail service between Los Angeles and the Coachella Valley. In coordination with the Federal Railroad Administration and the California Department of Transportation, RCTC is proposing this service as an alternate mode of east-west travel across southern California, connecting the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside.

The service would provide game-changing access to jobs and education centers while reducing vehicle miles traveled and combating climate change and air pollution. In addition, the rail service would significantly expand economic opportunities by opening travel to restaurants, resorts, music festivals, sports facilities, and commercial and retail centers. The nine stations also offer a host of transit-oriented development opportunities. The proposed service would extend approximately 144 miles between Los Angeles and the Coachella Valley with stops in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties, including up to six stations on the east end. CV Rail would comprise a substantial segment of Amtrak’s Tucson-Los Angeles corridor. The Tucson-Phoenix-Los Angeles corridor would connect passengers to Amtrak’s Coast Starlight, Pacific Surfliner, Southwest Chief, Sunset Limited, and Texas Eagle routes, broadening travel opportunities nationwide.

With the certification of the Final Tier 1/Program-Level EIS/EIR, RCTC and Caltrans are actively seeking funding for the Tier 2/Project-Level environmental analysis, which will study specific stations and detailed engineering.

The Commission certified the Final Tier 1 Program-Level Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report on July 13, 2022. This followed the release of the report on June 9, 2022 and public review of the Draft Tier 1/Program-Level EIS/EIR from May 21 to July 6, 2021.

Station locations, funding, and the timing for the start of construction and service will be identified during the future Tier 2 Project-Level EIS/EIR. RCTC and Caltrans are pursuing funding for this Tier 2 work.

RCTC released the draft Tier 1/Program EIS/EIR for public review on May 21, 2021. The public review and comment period was open until July 6, 2021. During the public comment period, RCTC held two public hearings to provide the public an opportunity to weigh in on the document contents. Presentations and video from the three public hearings are available below:

Final Tier 1/Program Level EIS/EIR Public Hearing: Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Public Hearing #1: Tuesday, June 22, 2021
English Presentation

Spanish Presentation
Video en español

Public Hearing #2: Saturday, June 26, 2021
English Presentation
Spanish Presentation
Video en español