The Point: City of Riverside project reduces noise congestion for residents near railroad crossing

The City of Riverside recently completed the Panorama Road Quiet Zone Project that will make train horns less necessary at the upgraded Panorama Road at-grade train crossing.

The $1.2 million project, funded by Measure A, is designed to reduce train-related noise for residents and businesses near the railroad crossing at Panorama Road. Horns used by trains passing through the area will no longer be required on a routine basis, significantly cutting down on noise. Furthermore, the City of Riverside has also removed the existing automated horns at the crossing.

Train horns will now be deployed under special conditions, up to the train engineer’s discretion. In addition to the noise reduction, the project implemented numerous street and rail improvements that include new pedestrian sidewalks with detectable warning tactile strips, widening of the bikeway crossing, new handrails and fencing, repaving of the street, and new traffic signs.

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The Commission and the City of Riverside have a long history of collaboration to deliver transportation projects including the Third Street Grade Separation Project and Magnolia Avenue Grade Separation projects. These projects helped improve safety, relieve local traffic congestion, reduce response time for emergency services, and improve mobility for pedestrians and motorists.

First approved by Riverside County voters in 1998, and then again in 2002, Measure A is the half-cent sales tax measure that helps provide dedicated funding for transportation projects across the county. Funding is distributed to cities in Riverside County for local street and roads improvements among other regional transportation improvements. Through Measure A, vital transportation projects have been completed to keep our communities moving and enhance the quality of life for our residents.

To learn more about Measure A, visit: