Know Before You Go with SoCal 511
The Point: 511 service provides regional transportation resources to help…
RCTC’s VanClub Gets You to Work in Style
The Point: Joining a vanpool saves time, costs, and the environment The wheels…
Riverside Transit Agency Takes Another Step Toward Zero-Emission Buses
The Point: RTA received $5.1 million in federal grant funding to buy hydrogen…
2022: Project Milestones and Looking Forward
The Point: RCTC has delivered significant transportation solutions this year…
Plan Ahead: All Lanes on Southbound I-15 north of 91 in Corona to Close this Weekend for Construction of 15/91 Express Lanes Connector
The Point: Avoid the area or expect significant travel delays, Friday night to…
May is National Bike Month: Put on your Helmet and Start Pedaling!
The Point: Check out these five fun reasons to saddle up in Riverside County…
RCTC and Project Partners Celebrate Opening of I-15 Railroad Canyon Road Interchange in Lake Elsinore
The Point: Project improves safety, traffic flow, and access for Lake Elsinore…
RCTC Requests Federal Funding to Continue Coachella Valley Rail Development, Extend 15 Express Lanes, and Build New Rail Crossing
The Point: Community Project Funding would help expand transportation options…
Driving to Work Alone is No Fun - Start Ridesharing Today with a $5/Day Incentive
The Point: IE Commuter will launch a new ridesharing incentive and expand…
Freeway Service Patrol Drivers Go Beyond the Call of Duty
The Point: RCTC honors FSP drivers who have helped thousands of motorists in…