RCTC to Study Adding New Lane to Eastbound 91 in Corona
The Point: Future eastbound lane is intended to improve traffic flow from…
RCTC’s Measure A Fills Transit Service Gaps in Riverside County
The Point: Specialized Transit Program helps county’s most vulnerable…
Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day: Check out Four Ways to Get Involved
The Point: RCTC, RCA, and partners take action to reduce greenhouse gas…
Freeway Service Patrol Drivers Help Motorists Stay Safe, Get Back on the Road
The Point: RCTC salutes FSP drivers who aid thousands in western Riverside…
Suicide Prevention – Everyone Plays a Part
The Point: RCTC staff learn to identify warning signs of suicide near rail and…
The Road Ahead: A Message from the RCTC Chair
It’s 2023, and RCTC is off to a great start. I am humbled and honored to…
Riverside Transit Agency Expands Service to UC Riverside with New Route 56
The Point: Route provides easier connections to and from campus UC Riverside…
Exercise Your Right! Take Your Seat on Transit Equity Day
The Point: Public transit agencies will commemorate Rosa Parks’ birthday on…
What Fun it is to Ride and Sing (Except in Quiet Cars) on Metrolink Trains
The Point: Metrolink offers a variety of destinations and low-cost fares to…
Riverside Transit Agency Launches GoMicro On-Demand Service in Hemet and San Jacinto
The Point: RTA will offer micro transit rides in Hemet-San Jacinto starting…