RCTC Seeking Your Comments on the Draft Traffic Relief Plan
The Point: Your voice, your plan. Residents now have an opportunity to help…
Falling Leaves, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and New Train Service: Celebrate the Season with Metrolink’s Fall Schedule
The Point: Changes to 91/Perris Valley Line and Riverside Line schedules start…
From Classrooms to Swap Meets, RCTC Promotes Rail Safety
The Point: Sept. 23-27 is Rail Safety Week — Stay Off, Stay Away, and…
Football is Life…Get in the Game by Taking Metrolink!
The Point: Ride to Rams home games on the 91/Perris Valley Line this season for…
Residents Offer Feedback to RCTC’s #RebootMyCommute Program
The Point: Thank you, Riverside County residents, for your engagement and…
Llamas, and Roller Coasters, and Bacon-Wrapped Everything, Oh-My!
The Point: Join RCTC and OCTA for the OC Fair-Corona Metrolink Day, Saturday,…
Warm Weather is in the Air: Ride Metrolink Everywhere
The Point: Fun awaits in southern California, so hop aboard Longer days and…
Join RCTC on February 6 to Learn about Proposed Riverside-Downtown Station Improvements
The Point: Public meeting will allow visitors to talk to project planners,…