Congressional Representatives Submit $29 Million in Funding Requests for Riverside County Projects
The Point: RCTC is seeking federal funds to match Riverside County taxpayer…
RCTC Seeks Community Support for Four Riverside County Projects
The Point: Public support will strengthen applications for federal funding We…
Expanded Layover Facility Adds Space for Overnight Metrolink Train Storage
The Point: The Riverside-Downtown Station Layover Facility is expected to open…
Rail in the Desert: Coachella Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Rail Corridor Service Project Advances
The Point: Public will be invited to comment on draft technical studies this…
Metrolink Updates Passenger Rail Schedules, Starting November 16
The Point: New schedule to affect Inland Empire/Orange County Line, Riverside…
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
The Point: RCTC installs new signs at Metrolink stations to call for help.…
September is Rail Safety Month; Help RCTC Change Dangerous Behavior near Railroad Tracks
The Point: “Stay Off! Stay Away! Stay Alive!” The expansion four years ago of…
RCTC One of 23 Agencies Nationwide to Receive Federal Grant for Transit-Oriented Development
The Point: Funds will create strategic plan and spur jobs, housing, economic…