0225 Point VanClub Banner

RCTC’s VanClub Welcomes New Vanpools to Expanded Program

The Point: Palo Verde Valley employer joins the agency’s popular vanpool…

0325 Point Experience Metrolink Banner

Ride the Train for Free with IE Commuter’s “Experience Metrolink” Program

The Point: New program invites residents to try Metrolink with free train…

0924 Point Rideshare Clean Air Banner

California Clean Air Day and Rideshare Week Promote Rideshare Programs, Bus, and Passenger Rail Use

The Point: Travel options for Riverside County residents can be rewarding No…

0724 Point VanClub Banner

VanClub Program Expands to Coachella Valley

The Point: The vanpool program saves commuters money and a lonely drive Members…

0524 Bikers Santa Ana River Trail Bike Month

Start Pedaling for National Bike Month

The Point: Annual campaign encourages people to dust off that bike and go…

TRP 2024 SEO

Commission Approves Traffic Relief Plan to Address Transportation Needs in Riverside County

The Point: The Traffic Relief Plan identifies more than $30 billion in…

0224 Point Making Strides Banner

2023: Making Strides

The Point: RCTC’s Annual Report spotlights the Commission’s various success…

Share Your Feedback on Traffic Relief Plan for Riverside County

The Point: A comprehensive transportation plan prioritizes a range of…

CarpoolInterior WarehouseWorkers 04 (1)

One Regional Rideshare Database, Countless Options!

The Point: Five regional transportation agencies join forces to enhance commute…

1023 TRP Investment Banner Active Transportation

Take Your Bike Further with the Help of Transit

The Point: Riverside County transit service providers make it easy to bring…