photo of I-15 Congestion Between Cajalco & SR-74

RCTC to Start Studies for Proposed Extension of 15 Express Lanes to Lake Elsinore

The Point: Public will have opportunities to comment on project studies,…

RCTC Pays Tribute to Fallen CHP Sgt. Licon

RCTC Pays Tribute to Fallen CHP Sgt. Licon

The Point: RCTC staff worked closely with Sgt. Licon and thank him for his…

Freeway Service Patrol Added to Help Manage Super Bloom Traffic.

Freeway Service Patrol Added to Help Manage Super Bloom Traffic, Improve Safety in Southwestern Riverside County

The Point: RCTC to provide weekend roadside assistance on Interstate 15 In an…

Weekend Closures to Start Tonight for Restriping, Technology Upgrades for 91 Express Lanes

The Point: Use alternate routes, expect delays, allow extra travel time The…

RCTC I-15 Project Southern

Project Development Begins for I-15 Express Lanes, Corona to Lake Elsinore

The Point:  RCTC takes first step towards adding lanes to I-15 from Cajalco Rd.…

I-15/Railroad Canyon Road interchange project in Lake Elsinore now fully funded

The Point: A $15 million grant of state gas tax funds enables safety and…

Work to Start on Three Additional Soundwalls along Interstate 15

The Point: Watch for construction activity of three new walls As part of RCTC’s…