RCTC Seeks Federal Funds for Passenger Rail and Highway Improvements
The Point: Requests totaling $24 million would advance projects to offer more…
Freeway Service Patrol Drivers Help Motorists Stay Safe, Get Back on the Road
The Point: RCTC salutes FSP drivers who aid thousands in western Riverside…
Feedback Wanted for Design Options to Improve I-10 Highland Springs Interchange in Banning, Beaumont
The Point: Join RCTC on February 27 for an open house to provide input…
RCTC Gears Up to Rebuild 71/91 Interchange
The Point: Project is designed to enhance safety, expand access, reduce…
California Transportation Commission Visit Allows RCTC and SBCTA to Showcase Projects and Discuss Regional Needs
The Point: December 7-8 meeting shines light on Inland Empire highway and rail…
RCTC takes the Clean Air Day Pledge, Promotes Clean Air Solutions
The Point: RCTC joins statewide efforts to inspire action for better air…
Route 60 Truck Lanes: A Construction Achievement
The Point: Ribbon-cutting ceremony saluted hardworking crews and project…
New Route 60 Truck Lanes Open May 20 in Riverside County’s Badlands
The Point: New lanes offer a safer, more efficient way to travel between the…
Crews, K-rail, and Trucks are Ready! Construction to Start this Month to Add Southbound Lane to Interstate 15
The Point: Sign up to stay informed of work this spring and summer…