Construction crew working no highway project in Riverside County

RCTC Seeks Federal Funds for Passenger Rail and Highway Improvements

The Point: Requests totaling $24 million would advance projects to offer more…

0323 FSP Awards 2023 Group Photo v2

Freeway Service Patrol Drivers Help Motorists Stay Safe, Get Back on the Road

The Point: RCTC salutes FSP drivers who aid thousands in western Riverside…

0223 Highland Springs Project Banner v2

Feedback Wanted for Design Options to Improve I-10 Highland Springs Interchange in Banning, Beaumont

The Point: Join RCTC on February 27 for an open house to provide input…

0223 Point 2022 1591 ELC Featured Image

Progress: 2022

The Point: RCTC Annual Report showcases transportation project delivery, public…

0123 7191 Project Rendering

RCTC Gears Up to Rebuild 71/91 Interchange

The Point: Project is designed to enhance safety, expand access, reduce…

1222 Point CTC Meeting Banner

California Transportation Commission Visit Allows RCTC and SBCTA to Showcase Projects and Discuss Regional Needs

The Point: December 7-8 meeting shines light on Inland Empire highway and rail…

Clean Air Day Header

RCTC takes the Clean Air Day Pledge, Promotes Clean Air Solutions

The Point: RCTC joins statewide efforts to inspire action for better air…


Route 60 Truck Lanes: A Construction Achievement

The Point:  Ribbon-cutting ceremony saluted hardworking crews and project…

051622 RT60 Badlands Drone

New Route 60 Truck Lanes Open May 20 in Riverside County’s Badlands

The Point: New lanes offer a safer, more efficient way to travel between the…