0922 CVR Capitol Banner Point Blog

RCTC Met with Federal Officials to Seek Grant Funding Support for Coachella Valley Rail

The Point: New daily intercity passenger rail service between Los Angeles and…

0822 Point RTA Grand Cover

Riverside Transit Agency Takes Another Step Toward Zero-Emission Buses

The Point: RTA received $5.1 million in federal grant funding to buy hydrogen…

0722 Measure A Cover v2

Measure A Provides Needed Support for Local Streets and Roads in Riverside County

The Point: Revenue from voter-approved half-cent sales tax measure helps cities…

PVLDowntown 2447 rev

State Awards $25 Million Grant to Metrolink and RCTC to Upgrade 91/Perris Valley Line

The Point: Rail improvements will allow train service every 30 minutes, reduce…

0622 Point Funding

Shifting Gears on Transportation Policy

The Point: The State wants to fight climate change by shifting people to buses…

BefordCajalco 0012

Inland Empire Caucus Seeks Transportation Project Funding from State of California

The Point: Legislators request funds for local projects to provide immediate…


RCTC Meets with Legislators to Urge Added Transportation Investments

The Point: RCTC Executive Director joined southern California transportation…