BefordCajalco 0012

Inland Empire Caucus Seeks Transportation Project Funding from State of California

The Point: Legislators request funds for local projects to provide immediate…


RCTC Meets with Legislators to Urge Added Transportation Investments

The Point: RCTC Executive Director joined southern California transportation…

RCTC Prepays Federal TIFIA Loan and Refinances Debt, Saving Taxpayers $85 Million

The Point: Paying off loan adds flexibility for RCTC to fund traffic relief…

It’s Here! Construction Under Way on 15/91 Express Lanes Connector

The Point: Project will fully connect 15 Express Lanes, 91 Express Lanes With…

15 Express Lanes to Open Saturday, April 10 in Riverside County

The Point: Drivers will have a new travel option and expanded tolling network…

Project Construction at the Heart of Riverside County’s Economic Recovery

The Point: February is the month of love, and RCTC offers a shout-out to its…

Avoid the Area or Expect Delays: More Roadway Closures on Deck for Weekend of January 15

The Point: Watch for full closures of westbound 91 on Friday night and weekend…

Together: 2020

The Point: Despite challenges, RCTC continues road, transit investments Yes,…

RCTC Continues Construction Progress on the 15 Express Lanes

The Point: Lanes set to open this spring; project remains below budget The new…