RCTC Joins Statewide Program to Engage LGBT Businesses to Compete for Contracts
The Point: Program will enlarge and diversify pool of eligible firms RCTC has…
Placentia Avenue Bridge in Perris to Close for 10 Months to Build Interchange with Interstate 215
The Point: Closure will keep workers safe and save overall construction time…
71/91 Interchange Improvement Project in Corona Moves Closer to Start Line
The Point: RCTC awards construction management contract Improving the heavily…
Construction Ahead: Nighttime Closures on 91 in Downtown Riverside, including Saturday Night Full Closure of Eastbound 91
The Point: Closures Needed to Remove Bridge Section for Pachappa Underpass Lots…
Construction of I-15 Railroad Canyon Interchange Marks One Year
The Point: Project will improve safety, capacity, traffic flow for growing……
Coachella Valley-San Gorgonio Pass Rail Corridor Service Program Reaches Milestone
The Point: Public encouraged to comment on draft environmental document and…
Congressional Representatives Submit $29 Million in Funding Requests for Riverside County Projects
The Point: RCTC is seeking federal funds to match Riverside County taxpayer…
It’s Here! Construction Under Way on 15/91 Express Lanes Connector
The Point: Project will fully connect 15 Express Lanes, 91 Express Lanes With…
Route 60 Truck Lanes Reach 60% Completion Milestone
The Point: New Lanes to Improve Safety and Mobility; Lanes Set to Open Summer…
15 Express Lanes to Open Saturday, April 10 in Riverside County
The Point: Drivers will have a new travel option and expanded tolling network…