Ginormous Girders are on the Go, Perris to Norco
The Point: Using girders manufactured off-site improves quality and safety,…
Residents Offer Feedback to RCTC’s #RebootMyCommute Program
The Point: Thank you, Riverside County residents, for your engagement and…
One Westbound Lane to be Closed for Six Months for Route 60 Truck Lanes Construction
The Point: Single Lane Closure Will Enhance Safety, Speed up Construction Time……
Conveyor Belt System Improves Safety, Efficiency during 15 Express Lanes Construction
The Point: Overhead transport of concrete reduces thousands of truck trips…
Motorists are Driving Way Too Fast in Route 60 Truck Lanes Construction Zone
The Point: 55 mph speed limit is posted for safety of crews, motorists Slow…
Nighttime Lane Closures Start for Route 60 Truck Lanes Project
The Point: Drive carefully, allow extra travel time for intermittent closures…
Join RCTC for Open Houses to Learn about Route 60 Truck Lanes Project
The Point: Construction to start June 10 on Route 60 in Riverside County’s…
RCTC Shortlists Four Design-Build Firms for 15/91 Express Lanes Connector
The Point: Connector Will Provide Smooth Transition between 91 Express Lanes,…
RCTC Continues to Seek Feedback for Improving Transportation
The Point: Send us your #RebootMyCommute ideas Tired of traffic? Who isn’t?…
RCTC Seeks Input from Residents, Businesses to Address Transportation Challenges
The Point: #RebootMyCommute campaign offers tools to open dialogue countywide…