It’s Coming: Third Full Closure of Eastbound 91 in Corona, Weekend of October 21-24
The Point: Motorists are strongly urged to avoid the area by using Routes 57 or…
Prepare for Second Full Closure for Repaving Eastbound 91 in Corona, Weekend of September 30-October 3
The Point: Avoid the area or buckle up for heavy delays, Friday night to Monday…
Fresh Pavement Ahead! Watch for Full Closure of Eastbound 91 in Corona, September 16-19
The Point: Avoid the area or expect significant delays, Friday night to Monday…
Full Closure of Eastbound 91 in Corona, August 26-29 Postponed
The Point: Full Closure of Eastbound 91 in Corona, August 26-29 Postponed…
May is National Bike Month: Put on your Helmet and Start Pedaling!
The Point: Check out these five fun reasons to saddle up in Riverside County…
Rescheduled! All Lanes on Westbound 91 in Corona to Close this Weekend for Work on New 15/91 Express Lanes Connector
The Point: Avoid the area by using the 60 or expect significant travel delays,…
RCTC Opens New Westbound Lane, Green River Road to 241
The Point: New lane to help provide traffic relief; watch for full closure of…
Plan Ahead for Full Closure of Westbound 91 and Lane Opening Later this Week
The Point: The 91 Corridor Operations Project will require nighttime closure of…
RCTC Prepays Federal TIFIA Loan and Refinances Debt, Saving Taxpayers $85 Million
The Point: Paying off loan adds flexibility for RCTC to fund traffic relief…