Freeway Service Patrol Drivers Go Beyond the Call of Duty
The Point: RCTC honors FSP drivers who have helped thousands of motorists in…
Heading Back to the Workplace or Looking for a New Adventure? Metrolink to Restore Train Service
The Point: Metrolink will restore six trains that serve Riverside County…
RCTC Advances I-15 “Smart Freeway” Pilot Project in Temecula, Murrieta, Thanks to Support from Rep. Ken Calvert
The Point: Congress passes, President Biden signs bipartisan Appropriations…
Ready, Set, Go! I-15 Interim Corridor Operations Project Gears up for Construction
The Point: Commission approves construction contract; work could begin in May…
Inland Empire Caucus Seeks Transportation Project Funding from State of California
The Point: Legislators request funds for local projects to provide immediate…
One Ramp Closes, Another Ramp Opens for Interstate 15 Railroad Canyon Interchange in Lake Elsinore
The Point: Motorists should access northbound I-15 at Grape Street through…
RCTC Meets with Legislators to Urge Added Transportation Investments
The Point: RCTC Executive Director joined southern California transportation…
Closures Ahead on Route 60 in Riverside County’s Badlands, Starting Monday Night, January 31
The Point: Watch for daytime and nighttime closures through February 11 for…
Public Comment Period Extended: RCTC Continues Seeking Community Comments on Proposed Riverside-Downtown Station Improvements Project
The Point: Comments are now Due February 18; Make Your Voice Heard RCTC is…