FSP Driver Photo Edit

Freeway Service Patrol Drivers Go Beyond the Call of Duty

The Point: RCTC honors FSP drivers who have helped thousands of motorists in…

Metrolink train approaching with cyclists in the forefront

Heading Back to the Workplace or Looking for a New Adventure? Metrolink to Restore Train Service

The Point: Metrolink will restore six trains that serve Riverside County…


Ready, Set, Go! I-15 Interim Corridor Operations Project Gears up for Construction

The Point: Commission approves construction contract; work could begin in May…

BefordCajalco 0012

Inland Empire Caucus Seeks Transportation Project Funding from State of California

The Point: Legislators request funds for local projects to provide immediate…

Rail Safety Header1

Stalled at a Railroad Crossing?

The Point: “Find the Blue and White to Save Your Life” Do you know…

RCTC RRCyn TrafficSwitch Draft V2 NOTICEONLY 02

One Ramp Closes, Another Ramp Opens for Interstate 15 Railroad Canyon Interchange in Lake Elsinore

The Point: Motorists should access northbound I-15 at Grape Street through…


RCTC Meets with Legislators to Urge Added Transportation Investments

The Point: RCTC Executive Director joined southern California transportation…


Closures Ahead on Route 60 in Riverside County’s Badlands, Starting Monday Night, January 31

The Point: Watch for daytime and nighttime closures through February 11 for…