The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) is your get-things-done, go-to place for transportation solutions that connect your life.  We are the fiscally-responsible steward of your Measure A sales tax dollars, which fund transportation improvements that Riverside County voters have approved by more than a two-thirds vote.

RCTC is governed by your elected representatives: one from each city council and all five County Supervisors within Riverside County, plus a representative of Caltrans.  RCTC is operated by a small team of public servants, who are charged with delivering on Measure A’s promises to the taxpayers of Riverside County.

We harness the efficiency and innovation of the private sector to deliver many of the projects, plans and programs that you see on the road.


Riverside County is growing and we need new highway lanes, bridges, and interchanges to keep you moving and keep you safe as you move around town.  With Measure A sales tax dollars, RCTC makes major improvements to highway corridors that you rely upon daily, such as: State Routes 60, 79, 86 and 91 and Interstates 10, 15, and 215.  RCTC also helps local communities build railroad overpasses and underpasses to eliminate frustrating traffic delays, safety hazards, and harmful pollution as trains travel through your neighborhoods.

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State of the art technology allows you to make better choices before traveling. can match you with a rideshare, show you public transit options, or see real-time traffic conditions including live video feeds.  You can also sign-up for RCTC’s e-newsletter and follow our social media channels to stay in the know about your trip.

Nothing is as important as what’s outside your front door. That’s why RCTC distributes Measure A sales tax funds to every locality in Riverside County to take care of local streets and roads that you rely upon every day.  Each community receives a fair share of local road funds to ensure that your tax dollars are indeed working for you.

To learn about the various RCTC projects, visit our projects page.

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If you or your children use your feet or bikes to get to work, school, or around town, you need a safe way to get there.  RCTC administers state and federal funds to Riverside County communities to improve sidewalks, bike lanes, and accessibility for persons with disabilities.

For more information, click here.

Need to get there on time? The 91 Express Lanes and I-15 Express Lanes provide a safe, reliable trip to bypass congestion and get you home, to work, or your children’s activities.

The 91 and 15 Express Lanes are publicly owned and operated, with all toll revenue paying for the cost of building and operating the lanes, as well as future improvements to the 91 and 15 corridors.

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We know that getting to where you need to go without a car is often a matter of health, education, employment, and peace of mind.  RCTC funds public bus, rail, and specialized transit services in Riverside County, helping commuters, the elderly, disabled, and veterans.  We work together with our partners at Metrolink, SunLine Transit Agency, Riverside Transit Agency and municipal and nonprofit transit organizations to connect your life.

Our friendly Freeway Service Patrol helps you with basic roadside needs to keep you safe and keep traffic moving.  On certain highways in Riverside County if you find yourself in an accident or breakdown, we’ll help change your tire, replace hoses, give you a gallon of gas, or tow you to a safer spot.  Freeway Service Patrol is a public service of RCTC, Caltrans, and CHP that gives you peace of mind and more time. RCTC also funds Call Boxes on state highways in Riverside County so you can get help as soon as possible.

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Legislative Platform

RCTC advocates for state and federal policy and funding decisions that enable the Commission to:

  • Implement Measure A, the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)/Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), and adopted plans and programs;
  • Comply with state and federal requirements;
  • Provide greater mobility, improved quality of life, operational excellence, and economic vitality in Riverside County.

Please click below to view the 2025 Legislative Platform.

Legislative Platform

Please click below to view the 2025 Commission Briefing Book.

2025 Commission Briefing Book


Americans with Disabilities Act

RCTC is committed to providing safe, reliable, courteous, accessible, and user-friendly services. To ensure equality and fairness, RCTC is committed to making reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure programs and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

RCTC is continually seeking to improve its website experience for visitors. RCTC is working to make its web content more accessible to users in general and to people with disabilities. Please watch for updates that will make our content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including accommodations for blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity, and combinations of these, and some accommodation for learning disabilities and cognitive limitations.

If you have a complaint about accessibility or if you believe you have been discriminated against because of your disability, you may file a complaint. For additional information about RCTC’s ADA program or requests for modifications can be made by calling David Knudsen, ADA Coordinator, at 951.787.7141, by email at or visit our office at 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor, Riverside, CA.


2022 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan


Notice to the Public

RCTC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been affected by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with RCTC.

For additional information about RCTC’s Title VI program and the procedures to file a complaint, please contact David Knudsen at 951.787.7141, by emailing, or by visiting RCTC’s office at 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor, Riverside, CA.