Interstate 15 Corridor Operations Project

Status: Pre-Construction

Location: Western Riverside County

Type of Project: Highways

Location: Southbound Interstate 15 between Cajalco Road in Corona and Weirick Road in Temescal Valley

Construction: Anticipated completion in 2027

Investment: Estimated $21 million (environmental, design, construction)


The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), in partnership with Caltrans, is conducting engineering and environmental studies to support an environmental document and final design documents for the proposed Interstate 15 Corridor Operations Project. RCTC is the project sponsor and Caltrans is the lead agency for the project studies.

The project will improve design features, including lane and shoulder widths, to Caltrans standards between the Cajalco Road and Weirick Road interchanges along southbound I-15, while maintaining compatibility with future I-15 corridor improvements. This will be accomplished by paving the existing center median and shifting lanes towards the newly paved median. Other features include widening the Bedford Wash Bridge within the median on northbound and southbound I-15 and adding median barriers, drainage system improvements, and overhead and roadside signs. No private properties are expected to be affected, since all work would occur in the Caltrans right of way.

RCTC is conducting engineering and environmental studies, as well as the project design.

The environmental phase is expected to be completed by late 2024. Pending project approval, construction could be completed by 2027.